On one hand, Saints Row features some of the most unique, hilarious, and stylistic gameplay of any open-world city crawler.
The argument of whether the Saints Row series or the Grand Theft Auto series is better is something that's hard to come to a conclusion on.

13 Better: Weapon Choices (And Combat In General) In general, GTA tends towards realism while Saints Row tends towards ridiculousness, making the two games much more distinct from one another than players might think. While both series have their ups and downs, ultimately the choice is up to the player. The game will be its own standalone experience in a new setting, and it's made some fans of the criminal open-world genre question whether it's worth sticking with GTA after so long with no new games. Updated Octoby Erik Petrovich : The age-old debate of GTA vs Saints Row has returned with the announcement of the next entry in the series Saints Row Reboot. When it comes to Saints Row vs GTA 5, it's easy to notice the differences between the two series, especially in contemporary times. While players love both of these games for what they are and what they've become, it's interesting to see just similar and different they are at the same time. RELATED: The Most Remade Games Of All Time

With its definitive tone and game mechanics, Saints Row has not only found its own image but has even surpassed Grand Theft Auto in certain aspects. For a while, it only seemed like Saints Row was created to rival Rockstar's most successful franchise but the truth of the matter is that Saints Row has since done a great job in becoming a respectful series. Calling Saints Row a Grand Theft Auto clone would be an understatement.